1. In sharing and commenting, we apply the principles we use in meetings

  • Practising respect, compassion and support for each other
  • Sharing our own experience strength and hope
  • in the context of the 12 steps, traditions and concepts of service and our 3 legacies.

Give us your AA wisdom and experience to post in our SHARE area.

• We want fresh, new shares – mostly short and to the point.
• Not duplicating the ways members relate via Facebook groups What’s App Google groups or other platforms
• Shares that enhance our personal recovery and extend the ways we can be of service.
• Ones we can read in 3 to 5 minutes!

Some suggested topics are:

  • Announcements, News, Reports, 
  • Your Reflection on a Daily Reflection, a part of the AA program, another piece of AA literature
  • A Question on Recovery, Unity, Service
  • What’s on your mind?
  • A funny thing heard at a meeting (anonymity protected of course)
  • A sentence or small paragraph of text from an AA publication* that increased your understanding of AA and how it works (* brochure, book, publication, group or service manual.)
    Note: Posts may be edited for clarity, spelling, grammar, defamatory statements, length, etc. and to ensure that posts honour our AA Steps, Traditions, Concepts of Service and policies for all whom read these posts.
    Content changes will be referred to you for final approval before publishing.  Your initials and home group will be recognised if you provide these.
Yours in Service.
Members Coordinator

“Let’s create the fellowship we crave”

Submit your text via this Form•