Public Information Event with Dr Jurd

Uniting Church Hall Adamstown 228 Brunker Rd, Adamstown NSW 2289, Australia, Newcastle, NSW, Australia

AA Districts from Newcastle and the Hunter have invited Dr. Stephen Jurd to be the keynote speaker at this event. Dr Jurd, an internationally recognised addiction psychiatrist with over 40 […]


Public Information Event with Dr Jurd

Uniting Church Hall, 228 Brunker Rd, Adamstown 2289 228 Brunker Rd, Adamstown NSW 2289, Australia, Newcastle, NSW, Australia

AA Districts from Newcastle and the Hunter are hosting an information event for Professionals, with Dr. Stephen Jurd as the keynote speaker.  Dr Jurd, an internationally recognised addiction psychiatrist with over […]

Williamstown Meeting 64th Anniversary

St Andrew's Hall Williamstown 89 Cecil St, Williamstown, VIC, Australia

Join us to celebrate Williamstown's 64th Anniversary. A 1.5hr meeting with AA and Al-anon speakers. Refreshments and fellowship following the meeting.

VICYPAA BBQ & Tennis Tournament

Fitzroy Tennis Club Edinburgh Gardens, 100F St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

With AL-ANON participation Join VICYPAA for our first event of the year! A fun afternoon in the park with a delicious BBQ and a round-robin tennis tournament. Family and furry […]

GSR Workshop

Byron Shire District is presenting an online GSR Workshop for members who are interested in learning about the important role of each group's GSR in AA's Service Structure.

Steps in Rosanna – Step 11

Rosanna Fire Station Community House 232 Lower Plenty Road, Rosanna, VIC, Australia

In person & online Zoom Meeting ID: 821 7784 4951 Passcode: 766572

The Breakfast Brunch Turns 1

Hampton Community Centre - Vicki Room 14 Willis St, Hampton, VIC, Australia

Refreshments afterwards